How to Choose the Right LED Video Wall for Your Application

Picking The Right Display

Selecting the right LED video wall can be a complex endeavor, demanding careful introspection on multiple fronts. Key considerations include your budgetary constraints, the intended environment (indoor vs. outdoor), and the primary application of the video wall. Installation methods vary, with options like truss hanging, ground mounting, and wall mounting.

Moreover, the screen size and type of content you plan to display play crucial roles. Pixel pitch, often overlooked, is vital for ensuring optimal viewing clarity. Clearly, the decision-making journey is multifaceted, underscoring the importance of thoughtful deliberation. Below is a comprehensive guide that aims to simplify that process and help you make an informed choice, tailored to your unique needs.

Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
You might wonder why LEDs are increasingly becoming the go-to choice for video wall technology. The answer lies in their unparalleled brightness, which makes them suitable for both indoor and outdoor environments. LEDs are also energy-efficient, using less electricity per unit of light emitted. This can translate into significant long-term operational cost savings.

  1. Brightness: Ideal for high-ambient light environments.
  2. Energy Efficiency: Consumes lessvpower compared to other types of displays.
  3. Flexibility: Modular by nature, allowing for varied sizes and configurations.

Moreover, LEDs offer flexibility with modular panels that can be customized to fit a range of sizes and configurations, from conventional rectangles to curves and other unconventional shapes. A single LED can produce up to 16 million different colors since each LED has the ability to blend RGB colors. Each pin represents a color, while the 4th pin is common (either anode or cathode), as shown in the image below.

Indoor vs. Outdoor
The environment in which you plan to install the video wall plays a pivotal role. Indoor video walls, for instance, tend to boast higher resolutions due to controlled ambient light. Their designs lean more towards aesthetic appeal and may not withstand harsh external elements. In contrast, outdoor video walls prioritize durability and brightness. Their design is more rugged, withstanding factors like rain, direct sunlight, and fluctuating temperatures, while offering superior brightness to combat external light sources.

Purpose and Application
Understanding the core purpose of your video wall is foundational. For example, if you're aiming for a video wall for events, you might prioritize features that facilitate swift setups and dismantling. On the other hand, a permanent installation in a shopping mall or office lobby would need to focus on longevity, minimal maintenance, and perhaps even aesthetic design to meld with the surroundings.

Content Dynamics
The kind of content you intend to display profoundly impacts your choice. For instance, graphics or text-centric displays demand higher resolutions to ensure clarity. On the other hand, video playback might prompt considerations about aspect ratios to ensure your visuals aren't oddly stretched or compressed. If you're leaning into the future with interactive content, your video wall might need touch capabilities or sensors.

Resolutions (SD, HD and 4K)
When discussing video walls, the term resolution frequently comes up. Standard Definition (SD), once a common standard, has largely become obsolete and is recommended only for low-detail, specific needs. High Definition (HD), ranging from 720p to 1080p, has become the industry standard, appropriate for both text and video content. The advent of 4K technology, offering a 2160p resolution, provides a near-cinematic quality ideal for high-impact visuals but requires a higher processing capacity and greater bandwidth.

  1. SD (Standard Definition): Adequate for basic needs
  2. HD (High Definition): Suited for a majority of applications, good clarity.
  3. 4K: Best for high-impact visuals, but requires higher investment.

Size and Proportions
One might think that in the world of displays, bigger is always better. However, it's crucial to harmonize the size of your screen with the intended viewing distance. For spaces where viewers are closer, like art installations or information desks, smaller screens with higher resolutions could provide a crisper and more intimate experience. In larger venues like stadiums, size is indeed an advantage, allowing for visibility from afar.

The Importance of Pixel Pitch
Pixel pitch, defined as the distance from the center of one LED cluster to the center of the adjacent one, measured in millimeters. See image below for this illustration.

This plays a crucial role in determining the clarity and impact of an LED video wall. Smaller pixel pitches ranging from 1.0mm to 2.5mm yield higher resolution and are therefore ideal for situations where the viewer is relatively close to the screen. These are often pricier due to the increased LED density.

On the other hand, medium pixel pitches of 2.5mm to 6mm offer a versatile option, commonly employed in retail, broadcasting, and corporate environments. For outdoor settings where viewers are situated at a much greater distance from the screen, larger pixel pitches exceeding 6mm are often adequate and come with the benefit of lower upfront costs.

Small Pixel Pitch
- Typically less than or equal to 2.5mm.
- This means the pixels are closely packed, resulting in higher resolution displays which are suitable for close viewing distances. These are often seen in indoor environments like conference rooms, broadcasting studios, and control rooms.

Medium Pixel Pitch
- Ranges between 2.6mm to 6mm.
- These are versatile and can be used for various applications both indoors and outdoors. While they still offer a good resolution, they are often used where viewers are neither too close nor too far, such as in commercial retail spaces or larger conference rooms.

Large Pixel Pitch
- Typically greater than 6mm.
- These pixels are more spread out, making the screens suitable for applications where viewers are further away. They are most common in large outdoor LED billboards, stadium displays, or concert screens where close-up detail is less critical.

It's important to note that while these categorizations provide a general guideline, the application, environment, and desired viewer experience should always be taken into account when selecting the right pixel pitch for an LED video wall.

Closer Viewing: Opt for a smaller pixel pitch and higher resolution.
Farther Viewing: Larger pixel pitch may suffice, saving you costs.

Decoding the Ideal Viewing Distance
Finding the optimal viewing distance for LED video walls is essential for delivering a clear, uninterrupted visual experience to viewers. Several methods and formulas are commonly used to determine this ideal distance based on various factors. Here's an overview:

What is Visual Acuity Distance?
Visual Acuity Distance refers to the eye's ability to discern the details and shapes of objects. It's commonly assessed using a standard Snellen chart, the one with progressively smaller letters used in eye exams. Perfect (or normal) visual acuity is often referred to as 20/20 vision in the U.S. This means that a viewer can see an object clearly at 20 feet what the "average" person can see at the same distance.

  • How does it relate to LED Video Walls?
    When considering video walls, visual acuity helps define the distance at which the pixels on the screen become indistinguishable to the average human eye. Beyond this distance, individual pixels blur into a continuous image, and closer than this, viewers might start distinguishing individual pixels, making the image appear 'pixelated.'
  • Calculating Optimal Distance using Visual Acuity
    Using a benchmark of 1 arc minute for 20/20 vision, which is equivalent to 3438. Here is an example calculation: 2.50mm (pixel pitch) multiplied by 3438 = 28.1 ft. (which was a conversion of Visual Acuity Distance from mm to feet). See visual illustration below.
  • Factors to Consider
    Remember that visual acuity can vary among individuals. While 20/20 is the average, many people have better or worse vision. Additionally, the content's nature, brightness, and contrast, as well as external lighting conditions, can influence the optimal viewing distance.

The 10x RuleThe 10x Rule is a shorthand method for roughly calculating Visual Acuity Distance. As per this rule, the minimum viewing distance for an LED video wall is roughly 10 times the pixel pitch. Therefore, a LED video wall that has a pixel pitch of 2.5mm would have an optimal viewing distance from 25 feet away, as illustrated below.

Average Comfortable Viewing Distance
This refers to the distance at which most viewers will perceive the LED screen's visuals to be acceptable (not optimal or ideal). It is influenced by factors like individual vision, screen application, content resolution, and the kind of content being diplayed (whether text or video). It takes into consideration various data that has been derived from many real-life setups and installations.

  • Acceptable But Not Optimal
    This method is much more forgiving than Visual Acuity Distance, in that it roughly cuts the viewing distance from the LED video wall in half for the same pixel pitch size. For example, the optimal viewing distance from the video wall for a 1mm pixel pitch based on Visual Acuity Distance is 11.3 feet. The distance recommended by the Average Comfortable Viewing Distance is almost half that. Meaning, for a 1mm pixel pitch, the acceptable viewing distance from the video wall would only be 5.8 feet away (versus 11.3 feet by Visual Acuity Distance)..

Our pixel pitch calculator below is based on the Visual Acuity Distance method. Simply plug-in what the closet viewing distance would be for your video wall to see what pixel pitch is best for viewing.

Pixel Pitch Calculator

Pixel Pitch Calculator

Recommended Pixel Pitch For The Video Wall: mm

Note: Whatever distance (in feet) that you entered into the calculator can be divided in half for an Average Comfortable Viewing Distance for the recommended pixel pitch answer. For example, if you entered 20 feet into the calculator, then the "Average Comfortable Viewing Distance" (acceptable) would be 10 feet, while the "Visual Acuity Distance" (ideal and most optimal) would be 20 feet away for the recommended pixel pitch of 1.77mm. Therefore, the closest viewing distance range for a 1.77mm pixel pitch would be 10 to 20 feet away.

Picking The Right LED Chipset
The world of LED chipsets is diverse and ever-evolving, offering an array of technologies suited to different applications. The roster includes stalwarts like Surface-Mount Device (SMD) and Chip On Board (COB), as well as newer introductions such as Flip Chip RGB, Flip Chip COB, Forward Facing COB, Micro-LED, and NanoLED.

Surface Mounted Device (SMD)
SMD chipsets are a compact and versatile choice, renowned for their seamless image blending. These chipsets have gained widespread adoption for their energy efficiency and suitability for both indoor and outdoor applications. COB technology takes this a step further by embedding micro LEDs directly onto the board. This allows for ultra-fine pixel pitches, potentially as small as 0.9mm, providing unparalleled clarity and brightness.

Flip Chip And Chip-On-Board (COB)
Joining these are the Flipchip RGB and Flip Chip COB variants. Flipchip RGB offers a robust blend of colors, making it apt for applications requiring vibrant and high-quality visuals. Flip Chip COB technology provides excellent thermal performance and allows for high-density LED arrangements, contributing to its stability and durability.

Forward Facing COB is an emerging technology where LEDs are not surface-mounted but project outward. This provides better visibility, especially at acute angles, and is particularly effective in environments that demand dynamic color reproduction.

Micro-LED And NanoLED
As we move toward the frontier of LED technology, we encounter Micro-LEDs, which feature micro-scale LEDs embedded directly onto a control chip. These offer ultra-fine pixel pitches and exceptional color accuracy but come at a premium cost and are not yet widely available.

Last but not least, NanoLED technology uses LEDs at the nanometer scale, offering the potential for revolutionary levels of resolution and brightness. However, this technology is still in its infancy, mostly confined to experimental setups and high-end applications.

Selecting the right chipset will depend on numerous factors, such as color fidelity, durability, and resolution requirements. Each technology comes with its own set of advantages and limitations, which should be carefully weighed against the specific needs and constraints of your project.

Extra Layer Protection With Glue-On-Board (GOB)
As video walls continue to make an indelible impact on various sectors like advertising, events, security, and even public displays, the need for durable and high-quality display technology has never been more pressing. One process that has gained significant attention in this realm is Glue-On-Board, commonly abbreviated as GOB. We'll take an in-depth look at GOB, breaking down what it is and why it's becoming increasingly popular for video wall applications.

What Is GOB?
Glue-On-Board (GOB) is a manufacturing process that essentially involves covering the LED modules with a layer of transparent glue. This process offers a protective coating that shields the sensitive components of the LED display from external elements like dust, water, and mechanical impacts. The transparent glue is applied directly to the LED chips on the board, ensuring a comprehensive seal. Below are some great benefits to GOB.

  • Enhanced Durability
    One of the most significant advantages of GOB technology is its ability to improve the durability and lifespan of video walls. The protective layer serves as a barrier against environmental factors, such as dust and moisture, that could otherwise harm the electronic components.

  • Better Image Quality
    GOB technology can enhance the quality of the images displayed. The coating offers better color uniformity and overall optical performance, ensuring that the visual output is vibrant and engaging. With better brightness and color consistency, GOB video walls are ideal for high-definition displays.

  • Improved Anti-Glare And Anti-Reflections
    The glue coating in GOB technology is designed to minimize glare and reflection. This is particularly beneficial in outdoor settings or well-lit indoor environments where traditional LED panels may suffer from glare, making it difficult for viewers to see the content clearly.

  • Easier Maintenance
    Thanks to the protective layer, the internal components of the LED panels are less susceptible to damage. This results in reduced maintenance costs over time and less frequent need for panel replacements. In the event that a panel does need replacing, the glue layer can be peeled off and reapplied to the new component easily.

  • Versatility
    GOB can be applied to both indoor and outdoor video wall applications, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of settings, including airports, shopping malls, and concerts.

  • Reduced Moiré Effect
    The moiré effect, an unwanted pattern that can occur when capturing images of repetitive structures, such as an LED grid, is minimized by the GOB technology. The protective layer effectively reduces this effect, making the video wall more camera-friendly.

As video walls become more ubiquitous in various applications, technologies like GOB are crucial in addressing the limitations of traditional LED panels. From enhancing durability and image quality to reducing maintenance costs, GOB offers numerous advantages that make it an increasingly popular choice for both indoor and outdoor video wall installations.

Whether you are a business owner considering a video wall investment or a tech enthusiast curious about the latest advancements, understanding the value of GOB technology can offer deeper insights into what makes a high-quality, long-lasting video wall.

Considerations for Installation and Mounting
When contemplating how to install your LED video wall, it's essential to consider various factors like the nature of your application, the intended duration of the installation, and the architecture of the location itself.

  • Wall Mount
    Wall-mounted installations, for example, aren't confined solely to permanent setups; they can also be suitable for semi-permanent and temporary installations as long as the wall structure is adequately reinforced. These installations are often chosen for their sleek, integrated appearance and are commonly seen in environments ranging from corporate offices to retail spaces.
  • Ceiling And Truss
    Ceiling or truss-hung installations offer another avenue and are a prevalent choice for a variety of settings, including trade shows, concert venues, and even permanent installations where wall mounting is impractical. This method allows for easy repositioning of the video wall but does necessitate thorough safety measures, such as appropriate weight distribution checks and secure cabling.
  • Ground Mount
    Ground-supported installations are indeed versatile, suitable for both indoor and outdoor settings. Contrary to some perceptions, they aren't just for large, outdoor venues. Inside event halls, theaters, and even retail spaces, ground-supported configurations can provide valuable flexibility. They can be designed to be easily dismantled and reassembled, making them ideal for temporary events or mobile setups. However, these configurations may require additional equipment, like scaffolding or bracing, to ensure safety and stability, regardless of whether they are used indoors or outdoors.

In all these configurations, one must also consider factors like ease of access for maintenance, cabling paths, and the availability of electrical outlets. Depending on the choice of installation, the requirements for these logistical aspects will vary. For instance, wall-mounted installations might necessitate in-wall cabling for a clean aesthetic, while ground-supported setups might require robust cable management systems to protect against foot traffic and environmental factors.

In summary, the installation and mounting method you choose should be an integral part of your overall project planning, tailored to fit the specific circumstances and demands of your application. It's not just a matter of aesthetics but also of practicality, safety, and long-term operability.

The journey toward selecting the ideal LED video wall entails a multifaceted examination of various factors, including but not limited to budget, pixel pitch, resolution, viewing distance, chipset technology, display screen size, and installation methods. Keeping these considerations in mind not only streamlines the decision-making process but also ensures that you make a choice that aligns with both your immediate needs and long-term objectives.